1. The Client may withdraw from the contract without giving any reason within 14 days from the date of receipt of package (according to the Act of March 2, 2000. On the protection of consumer rights and liability for damage caused by dangerous products, Dz. U. No. 22, pos. 271, as amended. d.), under the following conditions:
a. returned Goods can not bear traces of use,
b. returned Goods can not be damaged.
Return form: PRESS HERE
2. Przesyłki ze zwrotem należy przesyłać na adres: Tymoteusz Gzyl Design, ul. Kaczewska 24 lokal 26, 81-506 Gdynia. Wszelkie koszty oraz ryzyko związane z odesłaniem Towaru ponosi Klient. Przesyłki na koszt odbiorcy bądź inny adres nie będą odbierane.
3. In the event of an effective withdrawal, the Store returns the paid Price to the Buyer through the payment channel used by the Buyer within 14 days of receiving the return shipment.
1. The complaint arising from the non-delivery by delivery service:
a. The complaint arising from the failure to deliver the consignment to the Client can be made only after the expiry of the maximum time for its delivery. This period is specified in the rules of the delivery service company. Shipment is considered to be lost in the absence of notification within 30 days from delivery date. The Client shall notify the Shop in regard of the failure of delivery via the contact form or e-mail.
b. Shop shall enter the complaint in the delivery service company providing the transport service.
c. Shop shall inform the Client in regard of any action taken related to complaint.
d. Shop after receiving compensation from the delivery service company, shall return to the Client the full price by a transfer to indicated by Client bank account.
2. The complaint resulting from damage during the transport by delivery service company.
a. The Client is obliged to open the package in the presence of the courier to determine whether it is not damaged. Checking must take place especially in the case of visible damage to the packaging.
b. In case of damage Client is obliged to draw up a protocol of damage while receiving the consignment in the presence of a representative of the delivery service company. The protocol should describe in detail the type, degree, nature and location of damage. The protocol should include the sender's data as well as the waybill number. The protocol must be signed by the courier in the way allowing his identification and dated. It is advisable to take pictures showing the damage to the consignment and / or packaging.
c. The delivery service company will consider of the complaint for damage to or loss of contents of the shipment under the condition that both the contents of the shipment and the original packaging is available to check. Therefore, the Client should keep the shipment including packaging for inspection.
d. The Client is obliged to immediately notify the damage and deliver to the Shop the protocol of damages.
e. When receipt of the protocol the Shop shall immediately make a complaint to the delivery service company.
f. Each shipment send by the Shop is insured. When the complaint is accepted, the Shop shall refund to the Client the compensation received from the delivery service company by a transfer to indicated by Client’s bank account.
3. The complaint arising from the delivery of defective Goods
a. When defective Goods received, the Client has the right to demand its repair. In this case, Client should immediately contact the Shop and provide the following information: name and surname, transaction number and detailed description of the defect. It may be advisable to take some photos showing the defects of Goods.
b. Complaints concerning the difference in the appearance of Goods ordered and the Goods received which result from the difference in setting the monitor’s parameters of the Client, in particular the difference in colors and shades of the materials from which the Goods has been done, do not constitute any base for the complaint.
c. The Goods which subject to complaint the Client shall send to the Shop at his own expense.
d. Any complaints are dealt with by the Shop within 7 days of receipt of the Goods.
e. The defective Goods will be repaired or replaced by the other by the Shop, if it is possible. If repair or replacement is not possible, Shop will reimburse to the Client both Price and cost of shipment paid when purchased.
If there is a need to return funds for a transaction made by the customer with a payment card, the seller will refund the funds to the bank account assigned to the payment card of the Client.